Projection Mapping, Aug 2024
Liberation Notes
A projection art for Denver Nightlights. Was up on D&F tower in downtown Denver for 5 times an hour, 5 hours a day for 31 days.

"Liberation Notes" is an art piece by Jyotsna Venkatesh to commemorate her time and growth in the first chapter of her journey in Boulder, Colorado. The narrative structure of the piece tells a story of restriction, chaos and liberation reflecting her experiences as a graduate student. Through this work, the artist encapsulates the challenges and transformations she encountered, illustrating her path from chaos to freedom and personal growth. This art piece was her goodbye to Colorado, for now.
I went to grad school at the University of Colorado, Boulder and every time I'd visit downtown Denver I'd look at this tower on the 16th Street Mall that had projections on it every evening, and I'd think to myself, one day I'll have my art up there. What I thought would be a distant reality happened to be a very thoughtful goodbye to Colorado, a place that gave me space to grow as an individual and an artist.
Title: Liberation Notes
Exhibit: 16th Street Mall, Denver
Year: Aug 2024
After Effects
Projection Mapping
Performance Artist: Jyotsna Venkatesh
Special Thanks: David Moke, Justin Gitlin